Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good morning!

I have a sort of natural look to me that can best be described as a serious intimidating death-stare.  Because I acknowledge this, I've learned how to use it for the better.  This look is also euphemistically named "The F-off face", particularly when I'm trying to scare away mobs of people trying to get me to sign random petitions (or something of the such).  It's more polite that way.  I mean, if they're too afraid to talk to me, it saves us both time since I'm not standing there pretending to be interested.  Then there's a more pleasant game I play where I walk around with that same unfriendly front, but if I happen to make eye contact with someone, I'll try to surprise them with my cheeriest "good morning!" with a big goofy smile on my face.

As I do in general, I tend to hold a grumpy look in photos.  Though every now and then, I could stand for a smile.

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Vero Moda tan dress
-Tan sandal wedges
-Yellow sunglasses

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I did something last week that I have not done in a really long time.  I spent the whole week in flat shoes.  Gasp, I know...shocking, right?  Unless I'm trekking long distances, I'm pretty much always in heels.  Yes, there's the odd time where I stumble, flail, make ridiculous sounds and/or shout profanities, but even falling in heels once in a while exhibits a bit more class than shuffling about in sneakers or flip flops.  I don't know about you, but I'm quite partial to strutting around the office (and streets) like I'm a head honcho...even if I am at the bottom of the food chain.  Sure, a nice pair of flats aren't bad, but I'm not particularly a fan of being able to feel every single little pebble underneath my feet.

Anyway, back to my original rant: mosquitoes are annoying buggers that will find the weak spot in your ankle to draw blood, causing it to swell from being a vital part of walking, which will result in being out of commission for a week.

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Pink cardigan from Joe Fresh
-Bright blue top
-Tweed skirt
-Nude heels

Monday, June 18, 2012

Object-ive footwear

I enjoy weird fashion art as much as the next person, but I question how much "fashion" is left when things get too weird.  Upon first glance, these shoes from Kobi Levi made me chuckle in appreciation of their creativity.  But after pondering a while...who would actually wear these shoes?  Or a better question- who would pay around $2000 for these?  With a gimmick like this, I'd imagine the price to be much less.  I mean, do you know what I could buy for $2000?  I'm thinkin' 2 Burberry bags, 5 big screen TV's, 4 months of rent, or 1333 packs of Skittles.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pitiful pockets

It's 2012 and there are so many new and exciting innovations around us that make life interesting and easier. So what's the excuse for pockets not being mandatory in all dresses and skirts?  I kind of feel like I'm talking in some sort of Stone Age era where pockets are a new invention.  But seriously, few things are more exciting than finding an awesome skirt with pockets since it's relatively rare.  Is this a business economics thing?  Do they think that selling skirts with pockets will suddenly make bag sales drop because females will adapt to the male practice of utilizing pockets as a butt-purse, carrying every little thing in our back pocket?

I'm not asking for much.  All I want are skirts with pockets.  Oh, functional pockets are key too.  What's up with those pockets that don't even fit a credit card inside them!

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Floral skirt
-Black vest
-Red tank top
-Black peeptoe slingbacks

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The duct tape clutch

The duct tape clutch has made its first public appearance and passed the functionality test.  Admittedly, I'm used to larger bags that hold everything but the kitchen sink.  Though, clutches aren't made to hold much.  And this one managed to hold my essentials at least- wallet, keys, cell phone, and gum. Yes, gum.  I'm seriously like a smoker when it comes to gum.  Super addicted, and I'll freak out if I don't have gum on me.  It even sounds like an addiction: "oh, I use about a pack a week. Sometimes more when things have been stressful".

Without any decorations, I thought the clutch was fairly blah. So for a little edge, I added a tassel that broke off another bag I have.  Hourray for packrat-ing random items that I think I'd have some use for again someday!

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Pink racerback tank top from JACOB
-Pink high-waisted shorts from Forever 21
-Black open-toe booties
-DIY duct tape clutch

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How to: Make a duct tape clutch

I've been lusting over the look of large envelope clutches for a while, but I haven't been willing to pay a significant amount of money for one.  So I decided to create my own alternative out of duct tape.  This simple three-step guide will teach you how to make a duct tape clutch with ease, and without a huge pricetag.  With this project, you'll need duct tape (any colour), sharp scissors, glue, magnets, and no sewing.

1.)  Making the outline- Lay out strips of duct tape at whatever length you please (sticky side up) over top of each other.  When cutting the strips, don't worry if the edges of the strips are uneven or frayed- they'll be covered up later. Expect your bag to be about half the width of the combined strips, but make sure you lay down a few extras for the top flap of the clutch.

2.)  Shaping your clutch- Once you have the desired width, fold over the frayed/uneven sides slightly onto the sticky side so you're left with smooth edges.  Next, lay a fabric on top of your tape, which will act as the inner lining of the clutch.  After, fold up the bottom edge, which will make the basis of your clutch.  Fold the upper edge over that to make sure that the flap closure is at a desirable length.

3.)  Finishing touches- With only the bottom edge folded up, use a single strip of duct tape to seal each side of the clutch.  To get your clutch to close, glue magnets where appropriate- just make sure they align.  Now, you should have the basic shape and functionality of a clutch.  To make it more personal and to your tastes, you can choose to cut the top flap into a more triangular (envelope-like) shape or decorate your clutch.

And there you have it! A functional and durable duct tape clutch for a bold look, without the bold price.

Be sure to check out my outfit post with the finished project!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


It's one of the first lessons you get as a kid- don't accept rides from strangers.  But what if this ride was offered to you by a driver who was driving an out of service bus?  What if he stopped the bus next to me, away from a bus stop?  What if I was walking to the terminal anyway, so he was saving me a 5 minute walk?

Answer: You get into the bus and make pleasant conversation, choosing to ignore the possibility that this could be the start of a horror story; choosing to believe that some people are just inherently kind.  Also, pausing briefly to wonder if your 50s-themed outfit has brought the driver back into a time warp of a simpler time when communities would actually look out for each other.

Real answer: I got on the bus because I was too lazy to walk.

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Lavender cardigan from Joe Fresh
-Blue jersey top from American Apparel
-Blush skirt from Forever 21