Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The scarf shirt

So what happens during that awkward moment when I realize I forgot to pack a shirt for my beach trip?  I decide to make use of what I do have, which means turning my scarf into a shirt.  Admittedly, one of the key ingredients here is luck since the look would not have worked nearly as well without my matching bandeau top.

One of the best parts about this look is that it's easy to create.  Simply wrap the scarf around your body in a criss-cross shape and tuck the ends in neatly to the back of the bandeau. While at the beach, I decided to wear the scarf in a sleeveless fashion by having the scarf sit around my neck and on my shoulders.  But when it was time for a restaurant setting, I pulled the excess width of the scarf over my shoulders to give it a kind of sleeve effect.  Gotta keep it classy!

What I'm wearing:
-Floral scarf from Ardene
-Navy bandeau from ASOS
-Lace shorts from Forever 21

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gaming fashion

Geek: A common term used to describe the socially inept or awkward, typically to do with people who are odd or go against the mainstream.

Today, "geek" (or nerd, dork, and whatever else them hip kids are saying these days) can describe people with large glasses, knee-high socks, perfectly messy hair, and a pair of oxfords.

While I admit to giving in to the whole "geek chic" fad here and there, I still appreciate the irony that has people striving to gain the image of this label that was once an insult.  Regardless, my nerdy heart couldn't help but to skip a beat at the sight of these wonderfully nerdy fashions.  Classic games as clothing and accessories?  Now this is some geek gear that I could get used to.

Ultimately, I prefer Urban Dictionary's definition though:
"The people you pick on in high school and end up working for as an adult".

Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to: dress for shopping

With any kind of shopping outing, it holds potential for the daunting action of the fitting room process.  If you're like me, you'd want to wear an outfit that maximizes the ease of taking off and putting on clothes in the most efficient manner. Therefore, I have a few considerations when I know that I'll be trying on clothes:

  1. Ease up on the layers- Why would you want to subject yourself to having to take off a tank top, t-shirt, vest, and sweater just to try on one shirt?
  2. Forget the accessories- Fumbling with a belt is a waste of time! And wearing jewellery that doesn't match whatever your trying might throw off your perception of the piece.
  3. Wear thin clothes- If you get super lazy and don't even wanna bother changing, if you wear something like leggings, you can actually pull a pair of bottoms over them. It saves so much time and effort! 
  4. Equip yourself with good shoes- This means shoes for long-distance walking and shoes that don't take a million buckles and ties to put on.
Doing the opposite of these things can also work in your favour though. If I want to save money and prevent myself from trying things on (which almost always leads to a purchase), laziness and unwillingness to take the time and effort in a fitting room counteracts the desire to shop. In theory.

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Grey cardigan
-Black vest
-Blue high-waisted shorts
-Silver top
-White belt
-Studded necklace
-Mustard yellow bag
-Black wedge booties

(See, why would you want to bother with all of that in a fitting room?)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pseudo pajama trend

I have two problems with the so-called emerging pajama trend where streetwear clothes are modelled after the comfy materials and classic stripes of pajamas.  Firstly, no matter how you slice it- dude, you're wearing pajamas in public.  And secondly, I don't actually own pajamas.  I do, however, own a tunic that was just so darn comfy, I turned it into a pajama dress.  Then one day, I rolled out of bed and felt too lazy to get dressed.  Add a belt and some shoes, and bam- it's an outfit!  Now that I occasionally don't have to worry about taking time to put together an outfit and change, I can focus on more important things...like pressing the snooze button one more time.

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Grey tunic
-White weaved belt
-Neon yellow scarf
-Teal heels

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I pretty much had the best Saturday that an 8 year old kid could have. I had raspberry ice cream for breakfast, chocolate ice cream sandwiches for lunch, and cotton candy & cake flavoured ice cream for dinner.  That's right, I'm living the dream; living on the edge; not bound by these so-called "healthy meals" people are always talking about.  The good news was that it was awesome at the time.  The bad news is that I spent most of yesterday evening and all of today in bed from an intense stomach ache.  Turns out that parents aren't actually lying to you when they say that eating too much candy/ice cream will make you sick. 

If anyone happens to be curious about what I look like when I'm wallowing in pain, the last photo here pretty much does the trick.  Just imagine a blanket over me and a look of partial regret and minor unconsciousness under the sunglasses.  I say 'partial regret' because I'd do it all again if I could...and probably will. 

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Long grey knit vest from Joe Fresh
-White tank top from Joe Fresh
-Skinny white belt from Joe Fresh
-Light denim shorts
-Black wedge booties

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just hanging

By a show of hands, how many people use their closet more than they use their dresser/wardrobe for everyday clothing?  Right.  That's what I thought.

Aside from jackets and dresses, I'm pretty content with everything else I own being smushed nicely folded into a few drawers.  Instead of Photoshop-ing them out, I bring you my rant on little clothing hanger string things.  I know common sense says to just cut them off, but there are times when I get so excited to wear something (or too lazy to pull out a pair of scissors) and just walk into public without cutting them off.  Usually they're fairly simple to hide.  But there's always those few pieces of clothing where no matter what you do, those silly little hanger string things always manage to peek out of a shirt.  As a person that has a very defined space bubble before I get uncomfortable, what makes this even worse is when people try to tuck them back into my shirt.  Space bubble invasion! Get yo hands off me! 

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing: 
-Beige cableknit sweater 
-Taupe skirt 
-Nude heels

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Stripes and dots

In my most recent efforts to try and justify why I should get a car, I've added "Gives me the ability to wear nice heels without the risks of orthopaedic damage" to my list.  Rather than simply wearing heels less, I've labelled a few of my heels as "walking to/from the car" shoes to prevent myself from struggling through more than 5 minutes of walking.  Now what's the point of having that category at all without a car?  Perfect logic?  I think so.

Therefore, a car is necessary for my health.  But since it looks like that won't happen, I guess I'll have to settle for piggyback rides to avoid the walking instead.

What I'm wearing:
-Grey striped shirt
-Pink and white skirt from Forever 21
-Teal heels from Winners
-White floppy wide-brim hat

Thursday, July 5, 2012

On the fringe

Have you ever bought something that wasn't quite the same when you went to put it on?  That's the story with this fringe vest.  I have multiple factors that I can blame this on.  I mean, why would I want to admit that it's my own fault for not knowing how to style it?

Firstly, when you're from a city known for its conservative styles, it's hard to be motivated to dress to stick out like a sore thumb.  Next, I'm kind of a germaphobe and the fringes kinda touch the sink when I lean slightly to wash my hands.  This is disgusting and makes me want to burn the vest in a sacred ritual as an attempt to rid myself of contamination.  But mostly the first reason.

What I'm wearing:
-Brown fringe vest
-Lace shorts
-Orange top
-Fringe necklace

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's personal

There's something about personalized pieces that can give off a little extra special sentiment.  Perhaps it's that  knowledge that it's something custom that was made for you, and belongs only to you.  Or maybe even a little snobbery that you own an item that wasn't mass produced, thus making you unique.  Whatever it is, I have a thing for personalized pieces.  Okay, well I have two pieces of personalized jewellery.  I consider that more than the average person though.  And it's great because if I ever have a sudden spout of amnesia and lose all other forms of ID, I'll still have a necklace and ring to tell me (and others) who I am.  Come to think of it, it's pretty and everything, but personalized pieces should be used strictly for safety measures in case of events such as this.

Photos by Pop Champagne

What I'm wearing:
-Indigo dress
-Grey oversized cardigan
-Personalized name necklace
-Personalized name ring