Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Person vs. nature

White blouse c/o Lovely Wholesale / Floral shorts from Persunmall / Green bag from Persunmall / Initials ring from Onecklace

Summer is finally here and I am basking in its glory! Mostly. When it comes to being outdoorsy, I'm more of a 'sit at a restaurant by an open window' kind of person. And even then, I might complain if the sun is beating directly on me. So for me to go on a hike through a dirt road trail, it's a big deal. Long story short, the worst part of hiking is the point where I realize that I have to turn back and walk the distance again, but being absolutely exhausted at this point.

The worst thing about summer for me though, is the mosquitoes. For some reason, I tend to swell up from mosquito bites. Last summer, I ended up limping across my graduation stage because my ankle had swelled up to the point where I couldn't walk properly. I don't know why I attract freakishly strong mosquitoes, but I've already been bitten this summer by a mosquito that stabbed through my sweater. Yes, you heard me right. I mean, way to go for persevering, but dear mosquito, please persevere away from me next time.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Neon nails

What's an indecisive girl to do when she gets a new box of 6 nail polishes? I was excited to get this set of neon nail polishes from OPI's new summer collection, but I had trouble deciding which colour to use first. Neon's one of those colours that I'm always a bit wary of. Will the colour look exactly as pictured? Will it match my skin tone? So I decided that there was only one way to find out: Use them all at once.

I'm not great at putting on nail art or even putting on solid nail polish. I thought that the best route was to go for the splattered neon look. It's fun, retro, a great way to brighten up black nail polish in the summer, and best of all, it's allowed to look messy. I'm glad I went with this because now, I've gotten a view of what the colours look like dry and now I'm even more excited to use my favourites! The nail polish dries matte, which is great if you want a more subtle neon look. And they dried very nicely visible and pigmented. The pink one actually dries into a glowy indigo/pink depending on your lighting and the thickness of the coat.

How to get the splattered nail polish look: Since I'm a complete amateur, I made this process as easy as possible. I took the string from a teabag and used that as my brush. After dipping the end of the string into the colour you want, gentle dab the string onto your nails. Like I said before, the best part of this is that it's supposed to look messy, so uneven strokes are no problem at all!

Head over to Obsessed Look by Nail Polish Canada's site to find more OPI products and enjoy fast and free shipping from anywhere in Canada!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monogram ring

A few weeks ago, I noticed that my hands were shriveling in the cold rain and that my rings could easily slip off my fingers in this condition. A few hours later, I was just finishing up some shopping at Target when I realized that my personalized name ring was no longer on my finger. Still upset over losing it, I went back the next day and scoured the whole store and even retraced my steps in the rain, hoping to find a little round piece of silver somehow. No such luck. Having searched every inch, I'm pretty sure Target's cleaning crew swept up my ring before I could get to it. 

You can only imagine how excited I was to be contacted by oNecklace soon after offering me a piece of personalized name jewellery. Unbelievably perfect timing! So I managed to find this gorgeous monogram ring to feature my initials. The ring is comfortable from quality silver and the details in the letters are perfect. I could honestly see their rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets being perfect for any gifting occasion. At a reasonable cost, these personalized pieces are definitely worth it. Eye-catching and unique to my name, I'm really glad to have this as a staple item that I can wear everyday. 

And now you can get your own at an even lower price! Get 10% off your purchase when you use the coupon code 'GIFT'. Happy shopping! 
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Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer breeze

Flower lace shorts c/o Sammydress / Chambray blouse from Smart Set / Quilted bag from LuLu's / Camera ring c/o Bornpretty Store

I spent the weekend being touristy in my own city while exploring downtown life. I started out by falling asleep on the subway, waking up to find that I was at my stop, abruptly running to the door (only to be stopped by the hoards of people), muttering "noooo!" under my breath, then pretending to play it cool. After meeting up with a friend and collecting free samples along the way, we found ourselves at the waterfront. The view was nice, but it's kind of a weird atmosphere. It's a man-made beach, so it looks like a thin layer of sand is plunked there by the water. And sure, beaches should be relaxing, but this beach was so quiet, I almost felt like I had to whisper.

Being from the suburbs and having spent years in government-esque Ottawa, I forgot how trendy people can be in downtown Toronto. On the other hand, here I am with my chambray shirt and flower lace shorts feeling like I'm dressed like a 16 year old. Don't get me wrong, I love how cute and light they are, but it just felt out of place when every other girl was wearing a floral chiffon skirt with a crop top. Did I call Toronto trendy? Maybe "hipster" would be a better term. 

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