Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas wishlist

Gifts are stressful. Running around in crowded malls, giving the side-eye to slow walkers, trying to figure out what to get everyone, not being able to get the right size...I could go on. Which is why I'm considerate and thoughtful enough to put together this neat list so you don't have go through that mad panic.

1. A white sweater: None of this cream or off-white junk. White. Pure white.
2. Sweaters with texture: Cable knits, lace, a hint of metallic, whatever!
3. V-neck sweaters: And shirts in general in this lovely cranberry-burgundy colour. None of that burgundy-purple junk.
4. Draped blouse: It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but I've been looking for a layered top for a while. I enjoy that look of the inherent flowiness of the layers.
5. Floral t-shirt: All the dressiness of florals with the casual contrast of a tee.
6. This structured bag: This exact one. Or its twin in black.

I've even included a few smaller items for those stocking stuffers!

7-8. Statement necklaces: Collared bib necklaces with nice touches of colour, and even a bit of sparkle.
9-10. Simple necklaces: Going big or going minimalist with necklaces this year. I don't have enough simple jewelry that I can wear with the new V-necks that I'm going to get this year.

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