Monday, September 21, 2015

Bossy calendar

White floral blazer / Navy blouse / Beige skater skirt from TJ Maxx / Slingback mules from Winners

Seasonal trends are a weird thing. For the first few weeks in September, it's been unseasonably warm with super summery temperatures. In Canada, we basically have 8 months of winter, so I welcome this warmness and sunshine with open arms. But walking around in white and a skirt feels very out of place. I see people in leather jackets, dark jeans, and black dresses that weren't there in August.

The temperature hasn't changed. The only thing that's changed is the month. So am I the one who's dressing weird? I understand that there are fall/winter trends. But don't those only apply when it's, y'know, feeling like fall/winter? Contrary to popular belief, I don't let a calendar tell me what to wear. 

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wasted love

Asymmetric tank top c/o New Dress / Distressed boyfriend shorts from Target / Slingback mules from Winners

Let me tell you about how I got these shorts. A story also known as "This is how far I'll go to save money".

Once upon a time, Target opened hundreds of stores across Canada without doing any test marketing or market research. Angry Canucks complained that prices were too high and merchandise was scarce - nothing like we've heard from our American neighbours. After mere months of mass misery, Target pulled out of Canada completely. Within their last few weeks, Target held huge closing sales. Curious, I went to browse. I picked out these shorts and an electronic version of Taboo, then went to go line up for an hour or two.

So just to save 50% off, I wasted the greater part of an afternoon and bought shorts that are actually too big for me. I absolutely loved the length and the slightly distressed look, but I don't think the value of the shorts met up to the amount of patience I used. Oh well, at least Taboo is fun...

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Simple makeup tips for the lazy and inept

If you’re completely new to makeup, or just lazy, using it can be a little daunting. I'm one of those super impatient people who can't be bothered watching a 10 minute video telling me how to achieve the perfect winged eyeliner. Look, I'm tired in the morning, I'm rushed, so all I want are the basics.

Always Do Your Makeup in Natural Light

This is one of the most important things you’ll ever learn about makeup. It should always be done in natural light. I tend to fall into the same trap a lot: I think I'm having a fantastic makeup day at home, then I go to work, look into a mirror in the natural light there, and discover that my foundation is smudgy and barely blended.

If you have no choice but to do it in artificial light, you should invest in a mirror that mimics natural light. This is when the most flaws will show on your face, so you can properly see what you’re doing. If you do your makeup in artificial light it might look good, but the second you step outside, it could look completely different. If you do it in natural light to begin with, it’ll look good whatever light you’re in.

Find Out What Suits Your Skin Type

There are hundreds of different types of cosmetics out there, so it can be difficult picking things if you’re a newbie. The best way to go about it is to find out what your skin type is. When you know what suits your skin type, you can go about choosing products accordingly. If you choose products at random without considering whether they suit your skin, it’ll suffer. Not only that, your makeup won’t look the best that it can!

Get Used to Using Brushes and Sponges

Lots of people start off using their fingers when they begin using makeup, but brushes and sponges offer the best finish. If you can invest in a good set of brushes and a beauty blender, most of the hard work will be taken out of it for you. You can find lots of tutorials on using them on YouTube, so all you’ll need to do is practice.

Less is More

Less is more when it comes to makeup, especially if you’re just starting out. Don’t try to do anything too complicated right off the bat. Master the basic looks to start with. All you need for a simple makeup look is a little foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil/powder, and mascara. Even if you’re wearing a lot of products, it doesn’t need to look like you’re wearing a lot of products. When you feel more confident, you can start to make a bit of a statement!

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