Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tell it to my visions and my mind

Faux leather jacket c/o Dresslily / Double sided plaid scarf c/o Dresslily / Black combat boots

It went from an unseasonably pleasant 20 degrees to just above freezing in just under a week. Which means that despite being bundled up, I still managed to get sick. So unfortunately, this means no nice outdoor photos while I recover. Because it ain't fun sitting through a meeting trying to be professional with a red nose and phlegmy voice.

The upside of my week was that someone said that my jacket looked "fly". Now I don't know how much of the hip general population is still using that term, but that's a win in my books. So I know that retailers like Dresslily have gotten a bit of a bad rep lately for being poorly sized. I'll admit that this jacket is definitely not my normal size - I ordered a Large. I'm normally a Small or Medium. But my normal measurements showed up in the sizing chart under Large, so I took a chance. And the size is exactly what I expected.

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1 comment:

  1. talk to me about the weather, the transition here has been kind crazy too. but anyway, stay warm babe!

    xo, Carla
