Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New buys for the new year

It's a new year, and a lot of people think it's a good time for "a new you". I don't think you should have to reinvent yourself every year, but it is a good excuse to treat yourself. What better time to get some new fashion favourites than during the January sales? The holiday season might be over, but winter certainly isn't. In fact, it's getting colder in many places around the world. Snow has been a bit thin on the ground in some places that usually have plenty, but it seems to have finally arrived. So it's time for me to start wrapping up a bit more with some of my new year fashion must-haves.

Chunky-knit Sweaters

I love a sweater when the weather is on the colder side. It's great to have something to snuggle into, and you can pair them with lots of other items. A chunky sweater goes well with a cute dress, a pair of jeans or a skirt. I don't think they have to have much shape to them either. They can look great if they're a bit baggy and oversized, and there's more room to wear an extra layer underneath. The only thing is, you need to be able to fit them under your coat.

Snow Boots

When the snow starts to fall, you need to protect your feet. They should look good, of course, but they also need to be warm and dry. Not only that, but you need to make sure you're not going to slip and fall over too! Since I'm weaning myself off wearing heels, winter is an excellent reason to get some comfier shoes into my wardrobe. If you're somewhere snowy and slushy like me, rain boots are a good alternative if you don't want big Ugg-like snow boots.

Roomy Bags

It's a great time of year to buy a new bag. All the stores and fashion websites have sales on, so you can grab a bargain. One of the bag trends for this winter is timeless elegance, which is definitely something I can get behind. A smart bag is perfect for using at work or for taking out and about. While little bags are cute, it can be better to have one that has room to put more things in. If it won't hold anything other than my wallet, it's not big enough.

Statement Accessories

If you're going to get wrapped up for winter, you might as well do it in style. You can find some great statement winter accessories for the season. Why have a boring and discrete scarf when it could be long, wide and with an eye-catching design? I prefer a bigger scarf because you can do more with it. Wrap it around your neck or shoulders, or pull it over your head when it's cold. If you don't want to mess up your hair, I recommend a stylish pair of earmuffs.

If you can't treat yourself for the new year, when can you? It's the perfect time to add some new items to your wardrobe.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Unfit resolutions

Damask dress c/o CNDirect | Boyfriend blazer from H&M / Knee-high boots from Le Chateau

I've got some beef with New Year's resolutions. I'm glad that resolutions have shifted from "lose weight to look better!" to "get fit to feel better!" but we're not quite there yet. Still, we found ourselves bombarded with cereal commercials and yoga studio promos telling us that getting fit is the key to your new year happiness. But guess what? Going to the gym doesn't fix everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for promoting health. But don't let the guise of inner beauty fool you into believing that these companies aren't obsessing over vanity.

Where are the commercials for makeup for that girl who wants the illusion of a thinner nose? Or the number for a cosmetic surgeon for the guy who thinks the scar on his shoulder is unsightly? It sounds ridiculous and we can't target every person's veiled insecurities. So let's focus on something else: Acceptance. Instead of messages about having to love every part of your body, I want messages that say "Hey, we all have our crap to deal with. And that's cool. As long as you don't let it run your life". There's nothing wrong with being aware that you dislike something about yourself.

But that's a lot harder to sell, isn't it?

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