Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shiny optimistic purple artichokes

Cryptic anagrams aside, I'm sure words like "SOPA" and "blackout" have been buzzing around lots today.  Before I get all political, let's take a little break for fashion and look at what I dug up in the whole censorship theme.  Yes, you're looking at "Embarrassing Photo glasses".  I've always wanted to walk around with a big bar across my face.  I'm just that important- this will definitely hide my identity and deflect any unwanted attention.  Thank you, Urban Outfitters for coming up with this genius idea.  After all, censorship's good, right?  Can't have too much censorship...

Don't mind my little PSA down there...

All jokes aside now, I understand that SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) has the intention of...well, stopping online piracy, but it's the little details that have most of the online community protesting back.  The main question arising stems mostly around censorship.  There are a few clauses that basically state that anything considered piracy is a violation and would be considered a serious offence, and even more serious would be owning a site that shows potential of letting pirated material being shared.  Which I'd say is a really thin line of ice.  File sharing?  Social media?  It puts a lot of media-sharing sites at risk, and silences a lot of people. Frankly, I could be sharing pirated material with you here on the blog, which would be in violation of SOPA.  

I support numerous other sites in their protests to stop SOPA.  And at the least, I've been informed to brace for the worst.  Click for more:


  1. Haha. Love the take on the whole situation. As a blogger, I feel its scary the possibility of being censored. Thanks for all the info. - Carla


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